2 September 2013
During a routine inspection
Patients told us they were treated with respect and involved in discussions about their care and treatment.
Patients told us they were satisfied with the quality of care and treatment offered by the practice. Patient's comments included, 'They [the dentists] all share knowledge about what they need to know. It's all on the computer screen and you don't have to explain anything yourself' and 'They're really friendly and helpful. They all know what they're doing.'
We saw that patients were treated in a clean environment and protected from the risk of infection. Patients told us they felt the practice was clean and that staff wore gloves and face masks. They told us they were also provided with goggles and sometimes an apron, depending on the treatment. One patient said, 'They always seem to be opening packets.' (The packets patients were referring to were where instruments are stored after they have gone through a decontamination process).
The staff file we looked at demonstrated that a recruitment process was followed when staff were appointed.
The provider had systems in place to identify, analyse and review risks and incidents. Information about quality and safety was gathered and monitored to identify risks and areas for improvement.