We inspected the agency office as part of this inspection. We spoke with one person who used the service, a relative and four staff who provided support to people who used the service. The relative of one person who used the service told us,' It's been an absolute breath of fresh air. It has given XXX a little hope for the future'. They said 'All round MacIntyre provide everything we need'.
We found that people were involved in making decisions about their care. People's individual needs and wishes were assessed and support plans had been recorded for each person. These plans provided information for staff when they visited people and ensured their individual needs would be met. When we spoke with staff they told us about the support people received and this matched the information in their support plans.
We found that support workers treated people with respect, promoting their independence and enabling them to access community services as they wished.
Staff had a good understanding about safeguarding people from abuse and the action they should take if they had any concerns about the people they cared for.
There were effective recruitment processes in place to ensure that appropriately skilled staff were employed at the service.
We saw that arrangements were in place for monitoring the quality of the service and people we spoke with told us they had no difficulties raising issues of concern and knew that they would be listened to.