27 August 2013
During a routine inspection
The Head of Diagnostics of a private organisation said, '4 Ways is open and transparent and easy to work with. The staff respond promptly and the reports are balanced and accurate. We are very pleased with them."
The provider is accredited by standards organisations, such as the Imaging Services Accreditation Scheme (ISAS) for radiological reporting, administered by the United Kingdom Accreditation Service(UKAS). The process and procedures conformed to the International Standards Organisation standard ISO 9001 and the use of information technology conformed to ISO 27001. These accreditations had ensured that best practice was followed, that the process and procedures were tightly controlled and externally validated and that standards were maintained at all times.
The clinical audit team routinely audited 10% of the CT and MRI scanned images and 2% of the plain film images to check that the correct diagnosis had been given. Prompt action had been taken to rectify any discrepancies.
We concluded that 4 Ways Healthcare Limited was compliant in all the five essential standards of quality and safety.