This inspection was undertaken by one Adult Social Care Inspector. At the time of the inspection six people were living at the home. We spoke with four people who lived there. The purpose of our inspection was to answer these key questions: Is the service safe? Is the service effective? Is the service caring? Is the service responsive? Is the service well led?Below is a summary of what we found. The summary is based on our observations during the inspection, speaking with people using the service, their relatives, the staff supporting them and from looking at records.
If you want to see the evidence supporting our summary please read the full report.
Is the service safe?
Every person who we spoke with told us they felt safe at the home and with the staff who assisted them there. Interactions between people who lived at the home and the staff were positive in tone. People approached the staff on duty for support and to talk with them .This showed that people felt safe in the company of the staff who supported them.
The environment was maintained to a clean hygienic standard. Staff were trained to understand how to minimise infection control risks in the home. They were also able to refer to suitable guidance on the subject when required.
There was a suitable process in place for reviewing and evaluating incidents and accidents which had occurred at the home. The manager had introduced a new recording system. There was also an online reporting system .We saw how both systems captured information after an incident. This included ones where people had shown behaviours that may have been challenging. A senior manager was also able to log in and read the online records. This was to ensure that suitable action had been taken after an incident or occurrence at the home.
Is the service effective?
Everyone we spoke with told us they were satisfied with the care and support that they received at Wells Road.
Staff were observed providing assistance in a calm and attentive approach. The staff spent time with people who needed one to one support. This was due to their particular complex needs that impacted on how they carried out their own personal care. Staff were heard prompting people with their needs in a discrete and respectful way.
Is the service caring?
Everyone we spoke with told us staff were “nice”. We saw how people who used the service were supported with their needs by staff. The staff were respectful and attentive in approach. Staff were also patient in manner when they assisted people who they needed regular prompting and reassurance about certain matters in their life.
The staff showed they understood how to support people with their complex needs. The staff we spoke with also had insight into the impact that peoples mental health needs and learning disabilities had in their daily life. For example they knew that one of their roles was to prompt and support people with their personal care.
Is the service responsive?
Care plans and risk assessments were detailed and informative. They clearly explained how to support people with their learning disability and their mental health needs. For example, we saw there was guidance information and clear strategies for staff to follow so that they safely responded to people when they needed additional support. The staff told us they followed these approaches when people’s mood and behaviours changed.
Staff told us they had been provided with suitable training so they were able to safely respond to potentially violent and aggressive incidents. The training enabled staff to use non-confrontational techniques. Staff were able to give us examples of times when they had responded to situations that may have been challenging with people who lived at the home.
Staff were supervised to ensure that their performance and development was properly monitored. If staff required additional support, for example after an incident or occurrence this was provided by the manager. The staff told us they felt properly supported when they had responded to behaviours that were particularly challenging.
Is the service well-led?
People who lived at the home felt well supported by the manager of the service. Everyone we spoke with was observed to have a close and trusting relationship with the manager. For example, one person wanted to talk to the manager about their plans for the day and we saw them asked the manager for their advice.
We saw that regular ‘house meetings’ were held at the home. The minutes we viewed showed people’s views were sought about the way the home was run. People who lived at the home also told us they were often asked by their key worker and the manager to give their views of the care and support they had received.