- Residential substance misuse service
Liberty House Clinic Limited
All Inspections
16 April 2019
During a routine inspection
We rated Liberty House clinic as outstanding because:
- Staff took a truly holistic approach to assessing, planning and delivering care and treatment to people who used the service. Staff reviewed, and updated care plans regularly and looked at each individual’s strengths. Clients had access to their care plans and care plans reflected their own words. Staff supported clients with issues relating to their substance misuse, including developing specific pathways for people to access support with blood borne virus testing, sexual health screening and education around such topics. The range of treatment options included those recommended by national guidance and the 12-step approach. Managers and staff focused on ways in which safety and outcomes for clients could be improved, including the use of a capacity and intoxification test when people began treatment.
- The continuing development of staff skills, competence and knowledge were recognised as being integral to ensuring high quality care. Staff were proactively supported to acquire new skills and share best practice. All staff had completed their mandatory training, received regular supervision and had received an annual appraisal.
- Feedback from people who used the service and those who were close to them was continually positive about the way staff treated people. People said that staff went the extra mile and the care they received exceeded their expectations. Clients felt empowered in their treatment. Clients told us their treatment was individualised, and that staff listened to their choices. We observed staff interacting with clients and family members in a respectful, kind and supportive manner.
- Managers had an inspiring shared purpose and motivated staff to succeed. Members of the senior management team were visible within the service, the service manager had clear direction to further improve treatment and client experience at Liberty House Clinic. Staff felt positive and passionate about their roles and the client group they were supporting. Staff felt valued, positive and proud about working for Liberty House Clinic.
- There were consistently high levels of constructive engagement with staff. Staff had access to team meetings, additional ‘flash’ meetings to discuss any issues requiring immediate attention, such as medication errors and carried out weekly, monthly and quarterly internal and external audits, which covered all aspects of service provision.
- The service had recently implemented a new easy to use electronic case management system which had been specifically developed for addiction treatment facilities and could be customised to suit the individual service.
- Staff completed medication management to a high standard. Physical health checks were completed prior to initiating treatment and detoxification and throughout treatment.
- Staff referred clients who had successfully completed treatment to become part of the alumini. UKAT organised recovery events for the alumini group to keep the recovery momentum ongoing after treatment. Clients who had completed treatment were supported at their local UKAT centre for a year following treatment, family members also had the opportunity to receive support for a year following treatment.
16 to 17 May 2018
During a routine inspection
We do not currently rate independent standalone substance misuse services.
We found the following areas of good practice:
• Staff had access to radios and mobile phones during 1:1 and group sessions, meaning they could contact other staff for support during an emergency if required. Staff gave clients who were detoxing from substances a radio to contact staff.
• The service had recently been decorated; furnishings were clean and well maintained. All communal areas were clean and in good order. The clinic room was clean and tidy.
• Overall, 100% of staff had completed mandatory training.
• All clients had a risk assessment and a risk management plan.
• Medical assessments completed by the medical team were comprehensive, there was a clear medicines management process in place, all medication was stored appropriately. Physical health checks were completed by the medical team before initiating a treatment and detoxification plan. Staff completing blood pressure checks, breathalysing, and urine drug testing were fully trained.
• The service reported incidents effectively, and learning from incidents was shared through various meetings.
• Care plans were personalised, recovery orientated, holistic and looked at strength areas for each client.
• Clients had access to a range of therapeutic groups and activities to support treatment.
• All staff, including bank staff had received a thorough induction, were regularly supervised and all eligible staff had an appraisal.
• Clients we spoke with told us staff were helpful, caring, approachable and they felt safe using the service.
• Family members received support and learnt how to offer encouragement to their loved one on discharge through attending weekly family groups.
• Clients formulated their own discharge plans which included arrangements for unplanned exit from the service. On occasions where a client would want to disengage from treatment, the service would ensure that the client was able to get home safely and the client’s family would be informed.
• The service held weekly community meetings where clients were encouraged to raise any issues with staff.
• Staff morale at the service was high. Staff told us that they felt valued and rewarded within their roles; staff said they all worked well together as a team.
However, we also found the following issues that the service provider needs to improve:
• Some clients we spoke with felt they could have been more involved with their care plan.
04 January 2017
During a routine inspection
We do not currently rate independent standalone substance misuse services.
We found the following issues that the service provider needs to improve:
Staff did not have access to personal alarms for staff and client safety. There were no alarms located throughout the building.
The service did not have designated bathrooms for males and females. The service had a shower room on the second floor which contained three showers, there was no frosting on the shower doors to maintain client dignity and privacy.
Female and male sleeping areas were not segregated. Risk assessments did not include risk of mixed sex accommodation and were not being regularly updated.
The blood pressure machine and alcometer ( had not been calibrated. Staff had not received adequate training on taking clients blood pressure.
Staff did not record the temperature of the clinic room. Staff did not know if the room temperature was too high.
Staff were not reviewing or updating care plans regularly. Staff completed risk assessments as part of the initial assessment but risk assessments were not reviewed or updated regularly or following an incident.
The service used several folders for recording different types of incident, including serious incidents, incidents, medication errors and safeguarding. This created confusion for staff as incidents may have fallen in to more than one of the recording categories. Staff were not able to feedback any learning from incidents.
Clients had a lack of one-to-one key working and activities outside of therapy. Clients told us the only physical activity they were able to take part in was a walk around the local park with a staff member.
Staff were not being supervised regularly in line with the provider’s supervision policy.
Historically management did not follow the service recruitment policy. The new management team had developed a system to ensure that staff recruitment followed the provider’s policy.
However, we also found the following areas of good practice:
A recently implemented management team had ensured that all staff had completed mandatory training. Staff morale at the service had recently improved and staff felt able to input to service development.
We saw policies, procedures and training related to medication and medicines management including prescribing, detoxification, and assessing clients’ tolerance to medication. We observed medication administration which was in line with NICE guidelines.
On admission clients had a doctor’s assessment with a member of the clinical team. We saw record of thorough clinical assessments and prescriptions located within client care and treatment files.
Prior to discharge all clients completed an exit survey which included plans and coping strategies following discharge, improvements in mental and physical health and feedback on the treatment they received.
We observed staff interacting with clients in a kind, considerate and caring manner.Clients we spoke with told us staff were interested in their wellbeing and that staff were respectful, polite and compassionate. Clients felt safe
All clients we spoke with were aware of the service complaints procedure. The service held weekly community meetings where clients were encouraged to raise any issues with staff.