7 August 2017
During a routine inspection
We inspected this service on 7 August 2017. This inspection was announced. This meant the provider and staff knew we would be visiting the service’s office before we arrived. This was the first inspection since the provider’s registration on the 1 March 2016. This service supports adults with a learning disability to live in the community. Some of the accommodation was within a supported living setting, other support was provided to people living with their family or living independently. There were six people in receipt of personal care at the time of this inspection visit.
The service had a registered manager in post. A registered manager is a person who has registered with the Care Quality Commission to manage the service. Like registered providers, they are ‘registered persons’. Registered persons have legal responsibility for meeting the requirements in the Health and Social Care Act 2008 and associated Regulations about how the service is run.
People were protected from the risk of harm because identified risks were managed safely. The provider had completed safe recruitment practices. The staff understood what constituted abuse or poor practice and people were supported to take their medicines as needed. People were supported by staff that received the training and support they needed to develop their skills. Staff felt listened to and were happy to raise concerns.
People were supported by a consistent staff team that knew them well and promoted their independence People were supported to make their own decisions. When people were unable to consent they were supported in their best interest.
People’s needs were assessed and support plans where developed with them so that they could be supported in their preferred way. People were supported to maintain a diet that met their dietary requirements and preferences and were supported to use healthcare services. People were enabled to develop and maintain hobbies, interests and work opportunities within the local community to promote equality and integration.
There were processes in place for people to express their views and opinions about the service and to raise any concerns they had. Information on how to raise concerns was provided to people in an accessible format to support their understanding. Quality monitoring checks were completed by the provider and management team and when needed action was taken to make improvements. The provider and registered manager understood their responsibilities around registration with us.