12, 13, 16 December 2013
During an inspection in response to concerns
We were told that the service was providing personal care for 40 people in their homes. We read five care plans. We reviewed the care of people of varying needs and levels of complexity. Where the person was unable to speak to us we discussed their care with their nominated person which in all cases was a family member.
The agency was registered for nursing and personal care but was only carrying out personal care.
We visited people in their homes received personal care and spoke with people over the telephone in order to ask them their view of the service they received. We spoke with six people and seven relatives. We also spoke to a health professional with knowledge of the service.
We found people's consent was being sought to ensure that they were in agreement and where this was not possible their nominated person was consulted.
We found that people's care needs were being met and the care plans reflected the care being given.
We found that there was enough staff to meet the current need on the service. Staff were suitably trained to provide safe and appropriate care.
We found there was a suitable and responsive complaints process in place. People were further protected as the agency changed policy and practice as appropriate in response to the issues raised.