4 March 2013
During a routine inspection
We carried out an inspection of One Health Group at other independent hospitals in February 2013. As part of these inspections we also visited the provider's head office to review a number of records, including staff personnel files and complaints records. We have used the information obtained during those inspections and referred to it in this report where it is relevant to the service provided at The Barlborough NHS Treatment Centre.
We found that patients using the service were given ample information regarding their treatment and were given the opportunity to discuss their treatment with their surgeon. There were appropriate risk assessments in place to ensure patient's safety.
Patients were protected by the policies in place and by staff awareness of the importance of the protection of vulnerable adults. One member of staff told us, ''We can report any issues and I am confident that they would be dealt with appropriately. We have regular surgeon's meetings and we review the satisfaction surveys.''
Patients were cared for by competent staff. Staff employed by One Health Group received appropriate training, professional development and appraisal.