As part of our inspection we spoke with four people who used the service and one person's relative. We also reviewed four sets of care records, associated consent details and spoke with six members of staff. We found that before people received any care or treatment they were asked for their consent and the provider acted in accordance with their wishes. We also found that care and treatment was planned and delivered in a way that was intended to ensure people's safety and welfare.
One person told us, 'It's all very private, they explain everything properly like the costs and the staff have been very professional.' Another person told us, 'There have been no surprises, it's all very positive and they are very understanding. You are encouraged to ask as much as you wanted to about the treatment.'
Appropriate arrangements were in place in relation to obtaining, handling and administering medicine. We also found that staff received appropriate professional development. A member of staff we spoke with told us, 'I love working here ' it's the best job I've ever had because of the support we get.'