29 July 2013
During a routine inspection
We found care plans were up to date with client preferences noted. People had signed to show their consent with what had been recorded about needs. This meant that before people received any care or treatment they were asked for their consent and the provider acted in accordance with their wishes.
People told us that they were happy with the service being provided. One person said: "The staff have a very good attitude and provide excellent, efficient care. They are very understanding and caring." Another person told us that they were always treated with respect and their dignity was maintained when staff carried out personal care. People told us staff arrived promptly and stayed for the expected amount of time. One person we spoke to told us that the provider was flexible in accommodating their requests for changes in the time of support. This meant that people were able to have a service that was responsive to their changing needs.
Staff we spoke with demonstrated good knowledge of the people they cared for. We found that the provider had the relevant policies and procedures in place to support staff. The policies and procedures we saw provided clear guidance on expected practice. This ensured people received safe and appropriate care.