A relative of a person who used the service told us, 'The service has been brilliant; I've seen a big improvement in my relative. I can't praise the service highly enough. It's working brilliantly for my family.'We saw that each person's care plan contained detailed information and that individual people's risks had been identified. We saw that people's care plans and risk assessments were regularly updated.
We spoke with two staff members who described the procedures in place to make a safeguarding referral. We saw that most staff had completed safeguarding training.
We looked at the staff training matrix and noted that most staff had completed training as required. We saw there was an on-going programme of training and refresher sessions.
We saw that, where required, the manager met with individual staff to discuss issues, meetings were recorded in the staff member's file and appropriate action was taken to address the issues.
A relative told us, 'I had to raise an issue with staff and they [the service] responded. I was happy with the outcome and I'd raise concerns again.'
One staff member said, 'I would inform my manager about complaints. Issues are dealt with appropriately but sometimes it takes longer than staff would like. It can take a while to resolve issues. '
Complaints people made were not always responded to appropriately and in a timely manner.
People's personal records, including medical records, were kept securely and were accurate and fit for purpose.
One staff member said, 'I don't normally keep people's records on me. Sometimes we get information about people in coded emails and I delete the emails once I've read them. We had staff training on records and secure record keeping about six months ago.'