Updated 13 September 2021
The Oaks Clinic is operated by Mediscan Healthcare Limited. The service opened in 2010. It is a private clinic in Loughton, Essex and primarily serves the communities of Essex and Greater London but also accepts patient referrals outside this area. The service operated evening clinics three days a week and clinics on Saturdays. All care and treatment was provided on a privately funded basis. The service saw on average 40 patients a week.
It provides the following services:
- Early pregnancy viability scans
- First Trimester screening for Down Syndrome
- Reassurance Scans
- Gender assessment scans
- Anomaly scans
- Foetal wellbeing scans
- Growth Scans
- Uterine artery Doppler scans
- Cervical assessment scans
- Antenatal investigations including amniocentesis and chronic villus sampling
- Cervical smear tests
- Inserting intrauterine devices
- Fertility monitoring and treatment
- Gynaecological assessments
The service has had the same registered manager in post since 2011.
The clinic is registered to provide the following Regulated Activities:
- Diagnostic and screening procedures
- Family Planning
- Maternity and midwifery services
- Treatment of disease, disorder and injury
The service was last inspected in March 2020 where it was found to require improvement overall. Enforcement action, including the issuing of requirement notices and a warning notice were imposed on the service under the relevant regulations in the areas of Safe and Well-led.
The purpose of this inspection, carried out in June 2021, was to follow up on the previous areas of improvement and re-rate both Safe and Well Led. Our findings demonstrated that the service had complied with the previous requirement and enforcement actions and improvements had been made and embedded within the running of the service.