Updated 26 March 2024
Sherwood Grange is a care home providing personal care to up to 59 people. At the time of our assessment there were 50 people using the service, many of whom were living with dementia. The assessment took place between 8 and 17 May 2024 because we received concerns about the safety and management of the service. People received safe care and support. Staff were aware of the risks to people’s safety and supported people to minimise those risks. On the whole people received their medicines as prescribed and staff protected people from the risk of infection. There were sufficient staff on duty to ensure people’s safety. Staff had completed a range of training courses to ensure they had the knowledge and skills to undertake their duties. People received kind, compassionate care, which protected their rights and supported their individual needs. People were involved in their care and their choices were respected. The registered manager was currently being supported by the provider’s senior management team to make a number of changes at the service, to ensure people received safe care that met their needs. There was a comprehensive service improvement plan in place which ensured immediate action was taken to address any concerns, and that improvements were sustained. However, we found that records needed updating to ensure detailed information was recorded regarding mental capacity decisions. We also found that staff’s interaction with people were task focused and did not always support people’s emotional wellbeing. The management team were receptive to our feedback and took immediate action to address those areas outlined above.