A single inspector carried out this inspection. The focus of the inspection was to answer five key questions we always ask; Is the service safe? Is the service effective? Is the service caring? Is the service responsive? Is the service well led?Below is a summary of what we found. The summary describes what people using the service, their relatives and staff told us, what we observed and the records we looked at. If you want to see the evidence that supports our summary pleased read the full report.
This is a summary of what we found:
Is the service safe?
People were treated with respect and dignity by the staff. We saw staff speaking to people politely and giving them time to respond without hurrying them. People said they felt safe and staff understood how to safeguard the people they supported. One person told us, 'Staff are very good and always polite.'
Systems were in place to make sure that managers and staff learnt from events such as accidents and incidents, complaints and concerns. This meant that the risks to people were identified and action taken to reduce risk as much as possible and helped the service to continually improve.
CQC monitors the operation of the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards which applies to all people living in care services. While no applications have needed to be submitted, proper policies and procedures were in place so that people who could not make decisions for themselves were protected. Relevant staff had been trained to understand when an application should be made, and how to submit one.
Is the service effective?
People we spoke with told us they were happy living at High Haven. They told us they received the care and support they needed. One person told us, 'I'm glad I came here, it was the right thing to do.' Another person said, 'It's very good here and the food is good too.' People spoke to us about wanting to be as independent as possible, with one person saying, 'Staff help me with my shoes, otherwise I do for myself.'
People's health and care needs were assessed with them and they were involved in writing their care plans as far as possible. People confirmed they had been involved in discussions about their care and one person said, 'Staff have talked to me about my care but I don't know anything about a care plan.' Another person told us, 'The girls talk to me about what I need.' We also spoke with relatives and they confirmed that they were involved in discussions about their loved one's care plan and reviews.
Is the service caring?
People were supported by kind and attentive staff. We saw that care workers showed patience and gave encouragement when speaking with or supporting people. The people we spoke with confirmed that staff treated them with care and consideration. We saw that staff supported people in a warm, friendly and respectful way.
People told us they could spend their time where they pleased. Some people were enjoying the afternoon sunshine; sitting at the front of the home and watching people go by. Other people were in various communal areas or their own rooms. One person said, 'Everything about High Haven is good.'
Is the service responsive?
People knew how to make a complaint and the complaints process was available in booklets kept in the entrance hall. All complaints and incidents were investigated and learning took place as a result. People told us they were very satisfied with the care they received. We were told, 'I'm well satisfied. I've got nothing to complain about.'
People's needs were assessed on a monthly basis and where they changed we found that the service responded promptly and appropriately. They sought advice from other health and social care professionals and acted on the advice given. Care records showed that the service worked well with other agencies and services to make sure that people received their care in a joined up way.
Is the service well led?
Resident meetings were being held every three months and a quality satisfaction audit was taking place at the time of our inspection. This meant that people's views were being taken into consideration. Actions were taken where possible in response to people's comments.
Staff told us they were clear about their roles and responsibilities. They understood the ethos of the home and had access to training and development that enabled them to provide appropriate care and support. Staff said they felt well supported although staff supervision sessions had not been taking place regularly until recently.