People told us that their consent was always sought either verbally or in writing before any treatment. One person said "The dentist is very good at explaining what I need using drawings and x-rays and he explains the risks so I know what I consent to". This was confirmed by the records we reviewed.People were all very complimentary about the friendliness of the staff and the care provided by the dentist. One person said "The service I have received has been absolutely wonderful and I have been treated with respect". We found that people's needs had been assessed and care had been planned and discussed with people following these assessments.
People had been protected from the risk of abuse because the staff were aware of their responsibility to respond to any suspicions or allegations of abuse. However, we found that the provider had not supplied the staff with written guidance related to adult abuse. People said they felt very safe whilst at the practice.
The provider must ensure effective recruitment procedures are in place before new staff are recruited.
People said they felt confident to complain if the need arose. We found that there was an effective complaints procedure in place and this had been used on one occasion.