• Care Home
  • Care home

Sennen Lodge

Overall: Good read more about inspection ratings

Kanes Hill, West End, Southampton, Hampshire, SO19 6AJ (023) 8047 1725

Provided and run by:
Community Homes of Intensive Care and Education Limited

Important: The provider of this service changed. See old profile

Report from 27 December 2023 assessment


  • Overall


  • Safe


  • Effective


  • Caring


  • Responsive


  • Well-led


Our view of the service

We carried out this assessment between 3 January 2024 and 12 January 2024. We looked at the following quality statements as part of this assessment, Safe and effective staffing, Safeguarding and Person-centred care. Sennen Lodge provides accommodation and personal care services for up to 9 people. The service specialises their support to people with a learning disability and/or autistic people. There were 7 people living at the service at the time of our assessment. The service was suitable to meet people’s needs. Staff delivered care in a personalised way, which reflected their choices and preferences. Staff had a very good knowledge of people’s needs, specifically around their communication and behavioural needs. This helped to keep people safe as they developed trusting relationships with staff, who understood when people were having a good day or when they required additional support.

People's experience of this service

People were unable to give verbal feedback about their care. However, relatives told us they were happy with the care provided from staff. They told us they felt their family members were safe living at the service and they received personalised care that was tailored to their needs. Our observations of care reflected this positive feedback. We observed many positive interactions between staff and people, which reflected a trusting and warm working relationship.