People who used the service told us they felt well supported with their personal care and their health care. They also told us staff were respectful towards them and protected their privacy and dignity and their independence. Each of the people using the service had a care plan which provided a good description of the person's needs and how to meet these.
People told us that the choice, variety and quality of food and meals was good. We viewed a four week menu which provided people with a good choice of meals. We found that when people had lost weight they were referred for specialist advice and support in a timely manner.
People told us they were happy with the home environment and the quality of furnishings provided in their own rooms. We found systems were in place to make sure the environment was safe. The provider told us that a programme of refurbishment of the home was scheduled to start in the near future.
The staffing levels were sufficient to meet the needs of the people using the service. However, we saw that staff were very stretched in meeting people's needs and this impacted on some people's daily routine. Following our visit the provider told us they were increasing staffing levels with immediate effect.
People told us they would feel confident to raise a complaint if they had reason to. The manager informed us that there have been no complaints received about the service for over a year.