- Community healthcare service
Archived: Castlewood
All Inspections
11, 12, 13 November 2013
During a routine inspection
All the people we spoke with told us they were treated with dignity and respect and staff were very kind and helpful. They told us they were given appropriate information and involved in making decisions about their care and treatment. One person said "everything has been explained, I have been fully involved in the decisions".
There were comprehensive assessments of people's care needs ensuring the organisation provided a service which met people's needs effectively. Records showed people received a consistent and responsive service.
We spoke with 18 people who used the service, 10 relatives, 33 staff and one professional colleague from another agency. All these people told us NSCP provided an excellent service. One person told us "it's a good service. I can ring up and get help any time.
People were protected from the risk of abuse, because the provider had taken steps to identify the possibility and prevent abuse from happening.
People were mostly cared for by sufficient numbers of suitably qualified staff. The provider was working to increase staffing levels in the health visiting and school nursing teams.
There was an effective complaints system available.
4, 5 February 2013
During a routine inspection
All the people we spoke with told us the staff had treated them with dignity and respect and they were very kind and helpful to them.
People we spoke with told us they could express their views. They told us they were given appropriate information and involved in making decisions about their care and treatment. Staff told us, and we observed, times of visits were planned with people to be mutually convenient.
We spoke with 20 people who used the service, 10 relatives, 26 staff and four professional colleagues from other agencies. All these people told us NSCP provided an excellent service. One person told us 'I couldn't fault them'. While one professional told us 'they work well with us and information sharing is good'.
People were protected from the risk of abuse, because the provider had taken reasonable steps to identify the possibility of abuse and prevent abuse from happening. People were cared for by staff who were supported to deliver care and treatment safely and to an appropriate standard.
We saw the provider had systems in place to monitor and review the quality of the service they provided.