- Homecare service
Archived: Guideposts Trust Shared Lives Scheme
All Inspections
21 October 2013
During a routine inspection
People who used the service told us they would be totally comfortable to approach the management team if they had any concerns over the service provided. They told us they were confident that the management team would listen to their concerns and deal with them appropriately and in a timely manner.
We found that record management within the offices of Guideposts Trust Shared Lives Scheme was robust and ensured that people's records were accurate and maintained securely. Carer families we spoke with told us they maintained paperwork in locked facilities in their homes to promote the confidentiality of people who used the service and that the management team regularly monitored this area of practice.
29 November 2012
During a routine inspection
Responses from recent carers' surveys showed that the respondents were happy with the service provided by Guideposts Trust Shared Lives. People said that they found the care workers to be "Kind, caring and professional".
Care workers with whom we spoke subsequent to our site visit to the office of Guideposts Trust Shared Lives confirmed that the organisation placed the person using the service at the centre of their operation. One person told us, "The care and support is completely driven by [person's name], Guideposts really listened to them during the development of the care and support plan and were very helpful supporting [person's name] with housing benefits and other benefit entitlements."
Care workers had a good awareness of the importance of keeping people safe and they understood their responsibilities for reporting any concerns regarding abuse.