Background to this inspection
25 November 2017
We carried out this inspection under Section 60 of the Health and Social Care Act 2008 as part of our regulatory functions. This inspection was planned to check whether the provider is meeting the legal requirements and regulations associated with the Health and Social Care Act 2008, to look at the overall quality of the service, and to provide a rating for the service under the Care Act 2014.
This inspection took place on 4 October 2017 and was unannounced. The inspection team consisted of one inspector, a nurse specialist advisor and an expert by experience who had experience of a dementia care settings. An expert by experience is a person who has personal experience of using or caring for someone who uses this type of care service.
We reviewed the information we held about the home and looked at the notifications they had sent us. Statutory notifications include information about important events which the provider is required to send us by law. The inspection considered information that was shared from the local authority and Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) who are responsible for commissioning care.
During the inspection, we spoke with eight people who lived at the home and three visiting friend and relatives. We also used observation as a way of observing care to help us understand the experience of people who could not talk with us.
We also spoke with four care staff, one nurse, the manager and the regional director. We reviewed the risk assessments and plans of care for four people and their medicine records. We also looked at provider audits for environment and maintenance checks, six Deprivation of Liberty authorisations, two complaints, an overview of the last two months incident and accident audits, the home improvement plan, two staff meeting minutes and one ‘residents’ meeting minutes.
25 November 2017
We carried out an unannounced comprehensive inspection of this service on 4 October 2017.
The home is registered to provide accommodation and personal care for adults, some of who may have a dementia related illness. A maximum of 40 people can live at the home. There were 32 people living at home on the day of the inspection.
There was a manager in post who was applying to be the registered manager of the home. A registered manager is a person who has registered with the Care Quality Commission to manage the service. Like registered providers, they are ‘registered persons’. Registered persons have legal responsibility for meeting the requirements in the Health and Social Care Act 2008 and associated Regulations about how the service is run.
People living in the home told us that they felt safe and staff supported with their safety. Staff understood how they were able to minimise the risk to people’s safety. Staff told us they would report any suspected risk of abuse to the management team who would take action. We saw staff helped people and supported them by offering guidance or care that reduced their overall risks of potential harm or injury. Staff were available for people and had their care needs met in a timely way. People told us their medicines were manged and administered by the nursing staff.
Staff knew the care and support needs of those they supported and people told us staff were knowledgeable about their care and support needs. Staff told us their training courses and guidance from senior care staff and managers helped them to maintain and develop their skill and knowledge. People told us staff acted on their wishes and people were able to make their own decisions.
People told us they had a choice of meals which they enjoyed. Where needed people were supported by staff to eat and drink enough to keep them healthy. People had access to other healthcare professionals that provided treatment, advice and guidance to support their health needs which was followed by staff.
People enjoyed spending time talking with staff and spent time relaxing with them. Relatives we spoke with told us staff were kind and friendly and took time to get to know the family and update them about their family member’s well being. People maintained their privacy and dignity and staff supported them to do this where needed. People’s daily preferences were know by staff and those choices and decisions were respected. Staff promoted people’s independence and people had involvement in their care and support.
People’s care needs had been planned around them and if requested their relatives were involved. Care plans included people’s life histories, preferences and their care and support needs. People told us staff offered encouragement to remain active and enjoyed taking part in many arranged activities in the home and trips out. People also told us they enjoyed reading, attending places of worship or socialising with others in the home.
People and relatives were aware of who they would make a complaint to if needed. People told us they would talk though things with staff or the manager if they were not happy with their care.
The manager provided leadership for the staff team and people felt their views and opinions were listened and acted on. The provider had a range of audits in place to monitor the quality and safety of people’s care and support. Action plans were developed to maintain the home and care of people.