11 November 2020
During an inspection looking at part of the service
We found the following examples of good practice.
Non-essential visits for relatives and friends had been stopped due to the lockdown. Plans were in place to resume the visits in a safe way after the lockdown. Visiting professionals were required to arrange an appointment for specific days. They were required to declare if they had any symptoms of COVID-19 and their temperatures were checked at point of entry to minimise the potential of infection being brought into the home. They also had to complete a declaration form to declare symptoms.
The provider had made appropriate arrangements to test people and staff for COVID-19 and was following government guidance on regular testing. Measures were in place to ensure the safety of staff and people should they had tested positive for COVID-19.
Staff had received appropriate training and support to manage COVID-19. Staff had received training on COVID-19, infection control and the use of Protective Personal Equipment (PPE). Systems were in place to support staff if they became unwell and when they returned to work.
Measures were in place to ensure there were adequate supplies of PPE. PPE was checked on a daily basis to minimise risks of shortages. We observed staff wearing PPE and supporting people to maintain social distancing. Furniture had been rearranged to support social distancing.
Staff took people’s temperatures twice daily to check they had not developed symptoms. Systems were in place to ensure people were safe if their temperature went above expected readings such as self-isolating.
The management team carried out infection control audits to ensure risks associated with infections were minimised. A cleaning schedule was in place with particular emphasis on cleaning and sanitising regular touch points, such as door handles, corridor rails and light switches.