We spoke with two people who use the service, looked at the care records of three people and spoke with staff and senior managers of the home. Other people using the service due to their complex communication difficulties were not able to tell us their care experiences.People we spoke with talked positively about the service and made comments such as "The staff are good, I like it," "I go out to clubs and parties which are arranged for me" and "I get to see my family, I am supported with this."
We looked at how people were involved in their care and found people were invited and did attend house meetings, people were included in any reviews of their care and were supported to access activities such as attending clubs and accessing the community.
We found people's needs were assessed but care was not always planned in line with their assessed needs. For example, people did not always have structured routines and were not always supported with developing positive behaviours.
People told us they felt safe and that they could inform staff if they did not. We found staff had received training and knowledge to ensure the risks of abuse were minimised.
We also looked at medication administration and found the service had put arrangements in place to ensure the safe keeping and administration of medication.
People were supported by sufficient staff who had received training appropriate to their role. We did find in some specialist areas such as active support and positive behaviour intervention staff required further knowledge and skill.
We found that people's care records were kept securely and fit for purpose.