16 March 2021
During an inspection looking at part of the service
Sunrise of Chorleywood is a ‘care home’ registered to provide accommodation and nursing care for up to 100 people, some of whom may be living with dementia. At the time of this inspection, 56 people were living at the service.
We found the following examples of good practice.
¿ The service was receiving professional visitors with robust infection control procedures in place. Visitors were welcomed into the entrance hallway by a member of staff, where they were provided with guidance, personal protective equipment (PPE) and health screening was completed. Each visitor also had their temperature checked and was prompted to wash their hands.
¿ At the time of our inspection, other visits had been temporarily suspended due to an outbreak of COVID-19 at the service. This suspension was lifted shortly after our visit. Plans were in place to begin face to face visits at the service where one nominated visitor and people could meet and hold hands. Visits were to be pre-arranged, with visitors being provided with a rapid test for COVID-19, guidance and personal protective equipment (PPE). All other visitors were able to continue visiting, with screened visits being facilitated in a designated room. These visits were by appointment only, with times allocated to avoid potential infection transmission with other visitors and to enable the visiting area to be cleaned between visits.
¿ The service had taken steps to alleviate the negative impact of the pandemic on people. People had been provided a wide variety of in-house activities to support wellbeing including celebrations of festivals and events. A newsletter was compiled which was shared with people, family and friends. The service provided telephone lines into people’s bedrooms for private calls and staff had supported videos calls between people and their family and friends.
¿ The service was clean and hygienic. Robust cleaning regimes were in place, which were methodically completed throughout the day. Isolation, cohorting and zoning had been successfully implemented across the service.
¿ The provider had developed policies and procedures in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. They had formed a ‘COVID-19 Taskforce’, who provided regular updates to each service related to the changes in guidance, policy and good practice which were to be adopted. Management oversight and daily checks, alongside regular infection prevention and control audits were in place.