30 April 2013
During an inspection looking at part of the service
We spoke with the two people who lived at the home, two staff and the manager and area manager. We also looked at two people's care records and other records related to the operation of the service.
People told us that they were involved in planning their care. One person told us 'Have been involved with activities' and that they had support to create a weekly activity plan.
We saw people received support that was consistent with what was written in their care plans. People told us they were happy with how they were supported.
We saw that people's behaviour management plans were better. This meant staff understood how they should respond when people were upset so as to avoid use of inappropriate physical intervention.
We saw that staff were appropriately checked before they were employed.
We saw people's views about the service were sought by the provider and one person had said the home was good, "Because it's giving you independent skills' and, 'Because my things are safe'.