9 April 2013
During a routine inspection
Staff spoken with said 'There are still a few things needing to be completed but overall it is lovely here" and' Some of the service users are finding it difficult to settle but on the whole seem happy."
We used a number of different methods to help us understand the experiences of people using the service. Many of the people using the service had complex needs including communication difficulties which meant they were not always able to tell us about their experiences. We observed how people interacted with staff. We saw staff working with people, helping them with their day to day needs. We saw that people were content despite their recent move back to the service. Routines were flexible and relevant to the people who lived at Deja Vu.
There were sufficient staff on duty and new staff was being recruited to increase the staff team.Staff demonstrated a good understanding of the complaints and whistle blowing policy and how they would recognise and report a concern.
We toured the building and were shown up to date records in respect of the homes suitability, including maintenance records and equipment servicing.