25 October 2013
During a routine inspection
We attended a scheduled staff meeting and a meeting between the deputy manager and key workers. We spoke with two relatives and a staff training professional who was visiting the home. We also spent time speaking to the manager, deputy manager and two care staff.
We saw that people responded positively to the support provided. We noted staff communicating effectively to encourage choice and involvement in activities. We saw that people's privacy and dignity was respected by the offer of discrete person to person support and personal care.
Care records we looked at included care plans and risk assessments that were reviewed and adapted to meet people's changing needs. The relatives we spoke with told as that they were involved in planning care and were consulted in relation to important decisions which people could not make for themselves because they had been assessed as lacking capacity. Relatives told us that they trusted staff and valued the care they provide. One person told us that they were 'Very very happy indeed.' Another commended the 'Excellent staff and quality of care.'
We saw records which showed staff were appropriately recruited and trained to do their jobs and that the provider encouraged staff development and achievement.
We noted safe and well organised medication management and administration practices. We found records management systems were reviewed and evaluated by the provider to ensure that care was effectively delivered and people's confidentiality valued.