As part of our inspection visit, we had the opportunity to speak with five people who used the service, one relative, staff and a care manager. This is what they told us about the agency and of their personal experiences.People said that they had a copy of their own care records at home and felt the agency had fully involved them in planning their care.
One person commented very positively on this and said, 'The manager has recorded very specific details about my relative's condition that was important to both of us. These details are clearly documented in the care folder so that all staff visiting my relative can read it, understand it and follow it.'
Another person commented that they had been given all the information they needed from the agency prior to the delivery of their care.
A care manager told us that this was her and her teams preferred provider when making arrangement for people to receive care at home. She said that the care was highly personalised to each individual, was extremely flexible and very reliable. She said that this agency was probably one of the best, if not the best in County Durham.
Without exception everyone we spoke with were very positive about the delivery of their care and support, they said their welfare was promoted and their needs were fully met.
One person told us, 'I am very satisfied with the support that I receive. The carers are always on time, and they are all very considerate and they respect my views.'
Another person told us, 'I am so happy that I changed agency because the staff are always reliable and are rarely late. The support and care that I now receive is first class. I certainly have no complaints at all.'
One relative confirmed they had been given copies of the complaints procedure and they were confident any concerns they might have would be dealt with fairly. They told us during the last two years there had never been a need to make a compliant or raise a concern. She said, 'any issues are dealt with immediately, the management team are very approachable and hands on, so we see them often.'
One person told us, 'I have no concerns at all, I feel safe and well supported. If I did have a concern, I would phone the office and talk to the managers.'
Staff told us that they had lots of opportunities for their personal development.
One member of staff told us, 'I have completed my NVQ level 3 in care and I gained a great deal of experience and satisfaction from doing so.'
In discussions staff demonstrated a good understanding of people's needs and preferences. They were aware of the agencies policies, procedures, legislation and standards.