26 July 2017
During a routine inspection
The service is located on the same site as Hylton House, a care home which is also owned by the provider. It is owned by an individual provider who also manages the service. It therefore does not require a registered manager.
Since our last inspection, people continued to be safe. Staff knew how to protect people from the risk of abuse or harm. Risks posed to people due to their specific healthcare needs continued to be regularly reviewed by senior staff. This meant staff had access to up to date information about how to manage these risks to keep people safe. There were enough staff to keep people safe. People experienced continuity in the support they received as the provider ensured the same staff were available to assist them when needed. The provider maintained appropriate arrangements to check the suitability and fitness of new and existing staff to support people.
People had a current individualised support plan which set out how their care and support needs should be met. These also continued to be reviewed regularly. Staff received regular and relevant training so that they had the necessary skills to meet people’s needs effectively. Information about people’s communication needs and preferences were well maintained. This meant there was up to date information for staff on how to respond to people accordingly.
Staff continued to help people to maintain the skills they needed for independent living. People were supported to participate in activities and events of their choosing to meet their social and physical needs. They were also supported to maintain relationships with the people that mattered to them.
People were encouraged to eat and drink enough to meet their needs. They were supported to make healthy choices and helped to access healthcare services when they needed this. People promptly received the medicines prescribed to them.
Staff were kind and treated people with dignity and respect. They asked people for their consent before carrying out any care or support and respected their wishes and choices about how this was provided. Staff ensured people’s privacy was maintained particularly when being supported with their needs.
People and staff said the senior staff team were approachable and accessible. People and their relatives were happy with the quality of support received. They were encouraged to provide feedback about how the service could be improved. This was used to make changes and improvements that were required. Checks and reviews of the service continued to be made by senior staff and were used to improve working practices and processes so that people experienced good quality care and support. The provider maintained effective arrangements for dealing with complaints if people became unhappy or dissatisfied with the service.
Further information is in the detailed findings below.