We considered our inspection findings in order to answer the following questions;' Is the service safe?
' Is the service effective?
' Is the service caring?
' Is the service responsive?
' Is the service well-led?
Below is a summary of what we found.
Is the service safe?
We found the premises were designed to provide a safe environment and arrangements were in place to ensure the home was maintained to protect people from the risks of unsafe or unsuitable premises. The gardens were attractive and designed to suit people's needs and we saw the new patio area was well used.
The provider had in place effective systems to identify, assess and manage risks to the health, safety and welfare of people using the service and others. We saw an assessment of people's care and support needs had been completed and care plans were in place. They included risk assessments specific to the needs of each person and included areas such as going out, moving around the home, falls and personal care.
The staff we spoke to were all aware of the complaints, safeguarding and whistle blowing procedures. All of the staff we spoke with were able to describe the appropriate procedures to be followed in the event of someone raising an issue with them.
We looked at records and saw, where necessary, mental capacity assessments and best interests decisions were in place for people who were unable to make decisions for themselves. Mental Capacity Act 2005 (MCA) and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) is a legal process that protects people who are unable to make decisions for themselves.
Is the service effective?
People's health and care needs were assessed with them and they were involved in this process. We saw one person had contributed to a document named 'This is my life' which contained information about their life, their preferences, family background and any activities or hobbies they have a particular interest in. We saw that particular care needs were identified in individual plans for example, dietary needs or dementia care.
Staff training was provided that took account of the needs of the people in the home. For example, we saw training in dementia and administration of medicines had been provided.
Is the service caring?
We saw staff responded kindly and promptly to people. Care workers were patient and encouraging to people as they assisted them. We saw people engaged in activities with staff and they were supported effectively according to their level of need. We saw staff checked regularly with people to make sure they were all right and did not need anything for example, a drink.
People's preferences, interests, aspirations and diverse needs were recorded and we saw staff were aware these during the inspection. We noted people's privacy was respected and people were afforded choices about where and how they spent their time.
Is the service responsive?
We saw evidence that the care staff identified changes in people's needs and acted to make sure they received the care they needed. For example, there was evidence that care plans had been amended when a person returned from hospital and when someone had lost weight.
People told us they were aware of the complaints procedure and staff could describe how they would assist a person to make a complaint. We saw there were systems in place for dealing with and recording complaints.
People told us there were plenty of activities and they could choose whether or not they attended. One relative told us, 'There are lots of different activities and they do baking regular which X enjoys.'
There was evidence people were consulted about the food, activities, the d'cor and furnishings and outings on a regular basis. People told us they were asked if they wanted to raise anything at the meeting. They said they felt satisfied staff listened to and acted upon their views.
Is the service well led?
The service had a quality assurance system in place that included the use of surveys from people who used the service. Audits of care records, medicines, health and safety, infection control and premises were carried out monthly. Where it was identified there were shortfalls in a specific area the action needed was identified and there was a record to show when this work was completed. We saw any shortfalls were addressed promptly.
Staff had regular supervision, appraisals and staff meetings which meant they were able to feedback to the management of the home their views and suggestions. Staff we spoke with confirmed their views were listened and account was taken of them. They said they felt well supported by the management of the home.