About the service: Windsor House is a care home that provides accommodation and personal care for a maximum of 10 people with a learning impairment or associated conditions. The service accommodated eight people at the time of the inspection. The service operates from one purpose built building.People’s experience of using this service: Some of the people who used the service had complex needs and they did not express their views about the service. During the time we spent with people we saw they appeared comfortable with staff.
Systems were in place to protect people from abuse. However, we have made a recommendation about the financial arrangements that are in place for a person, as they are not independent of the organisation and could pose a conflict of interest.
There were enough staff available to provide individual care and support to each person. Staff upheld people's human rights and treated everyone with respect and dignity.
Communication was effective and staff and people were listened to. Staff said they felt well-supported and were aware of their rights and their responsibility to share any concerns about the care provided.
The atmosphere was bright and welcoming and the building was well-maintained with a good standard of hygiene.
Information was accessible to involve people in decision making about their lives. People were supported to have maximum choice and control of their lives and staff supported them in the least restrictive way possible. The policies and systems in the service supported this practice
Staff knew the people they were supporting well. Care plans were in place detailing how people wished to be supported. Staff had developed good relationships with people, were caring in their approach and treated people with respect.
Risk assessments were in place and they accurately identified current risks to the person as well as ways for staff to minimise or appropriately manage those risks. Staff knew the needs of the people they supported to provide individual care and records reflected the care provided. Arrangements for managing people’s medicines were safe.
There were opportunities for people to follow their interests and hobbies. They were supported to be part of the local community and to go on holiday. People enjoyed their meals and their dietary needs had been catered for.
Staff were well-supported due to regular supervision, annual appraisals and an induction programme, which developed their understanding of people and their routines. Staff received training to ensure they could support people safely and carry out their roles effectively.
There was regular consultation with people. All people were kept involved and encouraged to make decisions, whatever the level of need. They were involved in regular meetings about their care and the running of the home. Menus and activities were planned with input from people, based on their personal preferences and choices.
The registered manager monitored the quality of the service through audits and feedback received from people, their relatives, staff and external agencies.
Rating at last inspection: At the last inspection the service was rated good (11 May 2016.)
Why we inspected: This was a planned inspection to check that this service remained good.
Follow up: We did not identify any concerns at this inspection. We will therefore re-inspect this service within the published timeframe for services rated good. We will continue to monitor the service through the information we receive.
For more details, please see the full report which is on the CQC website at www.cqc.org.uk