This unannounced inspection took place on 14 April 2015.
Good Companions EMI Residential Care Home is registered to accommodate up to 26 people. who have dementia. There is a lounge on the ground floor and a recently refurbished open-plan lounge and dining area in the basement. Bedrooms are located on the ground and upper floors. All floors can be accessed by a passenger lift if people have mobility needs. There is a large garden to the rear of the property and car parking to the front. The home is located on the outskirts of Southport and is close to public transport links, and local community facilities.
A registered manager was in post. A registered manager is a person who has registered with the Care Quality Commission (CQC) to manage the service. Like registered providers, they are ‘registered persons’. Registered persons have legal responsibility for meeting the requirements in the Health and Social Care Act 2008 and associated Regulations about how the service is run.
People said they felt safe living at the home and were supported in a safe way by staff. Families that we spoke with also told us they thought the home was a safe place to live. They said there was good security in the home. We observed staff constantly checking on people throughout the day especially the people who liked to walk about the building frequently throughout the day.
The staff we spoke with could clearly describe how they would recognise abuse and the action they would take to ensure actual or potential abuse was reported. Staff confirmed they had received adult safeguarding training. An adult safeguarding policy was in place for the home and the local area safeguarding procedure was also available for staff to access.
Staff had been appropriately recruited to ensure they were suitable to work with vulnerable adults. People living at the home, families and staff told us there was sufficient numbers of staff on duty at all times.
Staff told us they were well supported through the induction process, regular supervision and appraisal. They said they were up-to-date with the training they were required by the organisation to undertake for the job. They told us management provided good quality training.
A range of risk assessments had been completed depending on people’s individual needs. Care plans were well completed and they reflected people’s current needs, in particular people’s physical health care needs. Risk assessments and care plans were reviewed on a monthly basis or more frequently if needed.
Safeguards were in place to ensure medicines were managed in a safe way. Medicines were administered individually from the medication room to people living at the home. The care manager said it was safer and less distracting this way, and reduced the risk of errors occurring. Staff wore a red tabard to highlight they must not be disturbed while giving out medicines. The care manager said that people living at the home seemed to know what this meant and they were less likely to approach the member of staff wearing the tabard.
The building was clean, well-lit and clutter free. Measures were in place to monitor the safety of the environment and equipment. An extensive refurbishment programme was in place to ensure the home provided a dementia friendly environment. Recently completed work in the basement provided people with a spacious and airy environment that they could walk about in safely without losing their bearings.
People’s individual needs and preferences were respected by staff. They were supported to maintain optimum health and could access a range of external health care professionals when they needed to.
People told us they were satisfied with the meals. A family member had tested the food and said it was good. We observed that people had plenty of encouragement and support at meal times. People living at the home and their families were invited to contribute when the menus were being revised.
People and families described management and staff as caring, respectful and approachable. Families said the service was well managed and a family member told us they had recommended the home to other people. Staff had a good understanding of people’s needs and their preferred routines. We observed positive and warm engagement between people living at the home and staff throughout the inspection. A full and varied programme of recreational activities was available for people to participate in.
Staff sought people’s consent before providing support or care. The home adhered to the principles of the Mental Capacity Act (2005). Applications to deprive people of their liberty under the Mental Capacity Act (2005) had been submitted to the Local Authority.
The culture within the service was and open and transparent. Staff and people living there said the management was both approachable and supportive. They felt listened to and involved in the running of the home.
Staff were aware of the whistle blowing policy and said they would not hesitate to use it. Opportunities were in place to address lessons learnt from the outcome of incidents, complaints and other investigations.
A procedure was established for managing complaints and people living at the home and their families were aware of what to do should they have a concern or complaint. No complaints had been received within the last 12 months.
Audits or checks to monitor the quality of care provided were in place and these were used to identify developments for the service.