30 January 2014
During a routine inspection
Everyone said their dental care and treatment was explained in detail, and they were complimentary about the quality of dentistry provided. We heard comments such as, 'They are friendly and thorough' and '[They provide] good explanations of options in layman's terms'. People said pain relief was well managed, and they were always asked about changes to their medical history or medicines. They also confirmed they were informed of treatment costs. A review of treatment plans confirmed that treatment was assessed and delivered in line with people's needs.
The service had clearly documented procedures for decontamination, and had a dedicated decontamination room. There were systems in place for regular, effective cleaning of the premises and equipment. People using the service commented that the practice was always clean and staff changed their gloves frequently.
The practice maintained records of staff training and team meetings, showing that staff were supported with training and development. People who use the service commented very positively about the skills and attitude of the staff.
The service monitors the quality of service it provides, by auditing clinical practices and asking people for their views and responding to their feedback.