25 January 2022
During an inspection looking at part of the service
New Writtle Street provides accommodation for up to five clients who require treatment, including detoxification, for substance misuse at the PCP Chelmsford treatment centre. Clients may stay at New Writtle Street during their detoxification period depending on their assessment of needs. Clients attend and receive treatment at PCP Chelmsford including assisted withdrawal and detoxification programmes for clients addicted to alcohol or substances. The treatment centre at PCP Chelmsford offers one to one counselling, group therapy, 12-step groups and medication.
Our rating of this location stayed the same. We rated it as requires improvement because:
- Staff did not always act to prevent or reduce risks despite knowing risks for each client. Staff were not observing clients in line with clients prescribed observation times or in accordance with the providers policy.
- Not all client risk assessments were regularly updated.
- Managers did not use results from audits to make improvements.
- The service did not have enough support staff to keep clients safe. Managers did not make appropriate arrangements to cover staff sickness and absence.
- Not all areas of the premises where clients received care were safe, well maintained or fit for purpose. The service did not adequately identify ligature risks or complete environment risk assessment tools appropriately.
- Managers did not ensure staff completed health and safety checks of the premises as required.
- The service did not manage client safety incidents well. Managers did not always recognise incidents and report them appropriately.
- Managers did not always make safeguarding referrals or report concerns appropriately. Not all client information was recorded securely.
- Managers did not support all staff through regular supervision of their work.
- Clients did not have access to basic provisions at the service.
- Staff understood the individual needs of clients.
- The service complied with mixed sex accommodation guidance and there was now a female only toilet and shower.
- Medicines were stored securely at the service.
- Staff had completed and kept up to date with their mandatory training.
- Staff provided access to a range of care and treatment interventions suitable for the client group and consistent with national guidance on best practice.