We spoke to five of the six people using the service or their representatives. They praised staff for their warmth and support. They were pleased the service provided consistent care workers. We spoke to all of the staff, who talked with pride about their work and compassion for those they were supporting. Staff knew the details of people's care plans and risk assessments. People supported by the agency or their representatives were involved in decision making about their care. The care plans reflected their wishes and preferences. However, plans and other documents were not always signed and dated, making the review of the care provided more difficult. Only one care plan had been subject to review at the point of inspection.
No safeguarding issues had arisen since the agency was registered in November 2011. People using the service and their advocates told us they trusted the staff providing the care. They were confident that if they had concerns these would be dealt with appropriately. Staff demonstrated a sound understanding of safeguarding issues.
Personnel files contained insufficient evidence of staff training. However, people supported by the agency told us the standard of care instilled confidence in the ability of staff. There were few systems for assessing and monitoring the quality of care provided. However, people told us that if something had needed reviewing, the agency were always willing to listen and had implemented appropriate changes.