25 April 2018
During a routine inspection
Love to Care is a domiciliary care agency. It provides personal care to people living in their own houses and flats in the community. It provides a service to younger and older adults. Not everyone using Love to Care was receiving a regulated activity; CQC only inspects the service being received by people provided with 'personal care'; help with tasks related to personal hygiene and eating. Where they do we also take into account any wider social care provided. At the time of this inspection 29 people were receiving personal care from the service. People who use the service live in Torquay, Paignton and the surrounding areas.
The service had a registered manager. A registered manager is a person who has registered with the Care Quality Commission to manage the service. Like registered providers, they are 'registered persons'. Registered persons have legal responsibility for meeting the requirements in the Health and Social Care Act 2008 and associated Regulations about how the service is run.
Love to Care put people at the centre of their care experience. The service used the ‘Buurtzorg’ model of care. This model starts from the person’s perspective and works outwards to find solutions that bring greater independence and improved quality of life. The service had worked with leading experts in person centred outcomes and ‘values based’ recruitment. At the service, wellbeing teams of staff worked with people to focus on what was important to them and to support them to achieve the most out of their lives.
The provider had made ‘A Promise’ to people. The aims of the promise included using a person centred approach where people were in control of their care and support, continuity, flexibility, community connections, and staff wellbeing. Throughout this inspection, we found this commitment had been fully achieved. People told us, “I couldn’t wish for a better organisation, they’re as good as gold”, “I can’t recommend them enough” and “I always give them 5 stars.”
Each person had a team of no more than four staff who they knew well. People wrote their care plan with staff. Care plans contained highly personalised information about what was important to the person, what mattered to them, what they would like their team to know and do, and the help and support they needed. The service employed a community wellbeing coordinator who worked alongside staff and supported people to re-engage with their local community and reduce isolation. This had made a real difference to people’s lives. One person said “I have so much more confidence, it’s unbelievable.”
People consistently told us they felt safe. The service went the ‘extra mile’ to ensure people were kept safe and risks were managed and minimised. A community professional said, “They tailor their support to individuals, adapting to the client’s needs to ensure they remain living in their own homes as safely as possible.”
The provider had worked with a national leading expert in values based working. This supported them to recruit staff with the right values, behaviours and attitudes. The service had won the Skills for Care Accolades Award for Best Recruitment Initiative in 2018. Staff were highly motivated and were exceptionally kind, caring, and compassionate towards the people they supported. Staff commented, “It’s just marvellous, it’s all about the people” and “The people are amazing.”
People benefited from the extremely committed staff who delivered very effective care and support. People said, “I couldn’t ask for a better bunch. I don’t see them as carers I see them as friends” and “I am truly delighted with the service which has, in the kindest and most caring way surpassed my hopes.” A representative said “They do a very good job, they should be commended for what they do. There were many examples of staff going over and above and the very positive impact this had on people's lives.
A leading expert in person centred outcomes and wellbeing teams worked with the agency to provide an induction training programme. Staff told us they were very happy with their ongoing training. One staff member described their training as ‘brilliant’.
People told us the service would respond well to any complaints or concerns they might raise. Comments included “There is absolutely nothing to complain about” and “It is perfect.”
The service had strong links with the local community and had arranged events that had benefited people who used the service. This had provided opportunities for people in the community to meet and socialise. People had also connected with other organisations which could improve their quality of life.
The management team placed a strong emphasis on providing a high quality service, looked for ways to continually improve, and worked with other agencies to share ideas and good practice. One community professional said, “They aspire to provide a service above and beyond their remit, and are constantly looking for ways to improve and enhance this client’s quality of life.” Another professional said, “I cannot praise (registered manager’s name) enough for her can do and compassionate attitude and clear values. They are always looking for new ways to develop and improve. I know she has worked hard to create a person-centred culture.” Without exception, people, their representatives, professionals and staff were fully satisfied with the service and could not think of any ways in which it could be improved.