We visited the location to carry out a planned review. We had also received some concerning information in respect of the quality of care delivered to people using the service. Due to the complex needs of some people living at Silverdale Residential Home they were unable to talk with us. We therefore used the Short Observational Framework for Inspection (SOFI). SOFI is a specific way of observing care to help us understand the experience of people who could not talk with us. We carried out this observation for a period of one hour.
We also spoke with three external professionals, three members of staff, six relatives and five people using the service.
One person who had recently started to use the service told us staff had asked them how they would like their care to be delivered. They told us staff had asked them about their likes and dislikes, particularly in relation to food.
All people we spoke with told us that staff spoke to them with courtesy and respect one person told us: 'The staff speak nicely to me.'
We spoke with three external professionals all reported that staff treated people with dignity and respect and they talked to people in a very sensitive and friendly manner. They felt that improvements were taking place and they believed people were protected from harm in the service.
During our observations we found the environment was calm, homely and welcoming. Staff were attentive to people's individual needs whilst at the same time aware of the comfort and safety of other people. We observed that staff spoke with people in a dignified and respectful manner. People were assisted as needed by staff and staff engaged people in the activity they were doing at the time which promoted their independence.
One person told us: 'I am happy here, they look after us and watch us.' Another person said: 'The staff look after me well they are very accommodating, they always answer my call bell very quickly.'
All of the people we spoke with told us they were safe and staff protected them. One person said: 'I am happy and safe here.' Another person told us 'I feel safe here.'
We spoke with one relative who said their relative was safe. However they told us that they had not been provided with any information about how to raise a safeguarding referral should they need to.
One person told us: 'I am happy with how clean my room is, the staff clean it regularly.' Relatives told us they were satisfied with the standard of cleanliness in the home.
A relative told us they were concerned a few months ago because there was less staff and this was impacting upon the standards of care. They reported that things 'seem to be coming back to normal now.' Another relative told us: 'Staff seem skilled and trained to do their job.'
We were informed that two people had recently fallen out of their bed by an external professional and they were concerned that there was insufficient night staff to care for all the people. The external professional also told us that on occasions when they had visited the home they found it difficult to find staff and on some occasions the lounge area had been left unattended.
A relative told us there was a relatives meeting a few weeks ago which was good and the manager listened and appeared keen to have these. They also said that a newsletter had been introduced which was good.