23 December 2013
During an inspection in response to concerns
We found that people had appropriate assessments in place. We received both negative and positive comments about the delivery of care. A few people told us that they did not receive care from regular staff members.
Records showed that staff received some support and training. Staff members told us that they were supported to carry out their role. Whilst most people and relatives were satisfied with staff performance, a couple of relatives told us that staff were not appropriately trained. One relative told us, 'They (staff) did not have a clue when they first started.'
We found that systems were in place to identify shortfalls in the service. One person said, 'I have had no problems.' However, further action was required to ensure improvements were made promptly to achieve better outcomes for people who used the service.
Records we looked at were accessible, although some people's records needed to be updated to minimise the risk of them receiving inappropriate care. We found that care records which were stored at people's own homes were not updated in a timely manner.
We found that there was a new manager in post to manage the regulated activities carried out by the service.