29 January 2014
During a routine inspection
People we spoke with also told us, 'Any possible consequences of treatment are explained to me so that I know what to expect' and 'I get all the information I need about my condition and treatment.'
Both people we spoke with told us their local GP remained involved with their care and treatment at the Chatsworth Suite. One person said, 'I have a test at my local GP surgery and the results are available online for my consultant to review with me here.'
Staff we spoke with told us they had regular contact with their managers and that support was always available. One person told us that their manager always asked how they were. On the day of our visit one member of staff had been supported to access on line training and had received an update on a policy change by the manager.
Staff that we spoke with told us that people attending the Chatsworth Suite had been asked for their views within the last year about their experiences of the service. As a result of people's feedback, the reception and consulting rooms had been redecorated, equipment relocated, and a hot drinks machine and magazines provided in the waiting area.