22 October 2014
During an inspection looking at part of the service
We spoke with three care staff that provided care and support to some of the people whose records we viewed. We found staff to be knowledgeable about the care and support people required and told us that people's the information recorded within care plans enabled them to care for people well. Staff comments included: 'Care plans provide sufficient information and are changed when required.'
Staff told us that the training they received was good and that this enabled them to care for people. One member of staff told us: 'All sorts of courses are made available; I've completed a city and guild course in dementia care.' 'We've had training in medication and we have regularly updates.'
We looked at the records of six people who used the service. We found people's care plans, risk assessments and medication records provided comprehensive and clear information for care staff as to the care and support people required, whilst recognising the need to promote independence and balance risk.