14 May 2013
During a routine inspection
Speaking with five of the staff they commented, "Things have really improved over recent months.", "The service is definitely person centred.", "The service is a lot more organised.", "It's a good place to work".
People were asked for their consent before care was provided, from speaking with people it was clear that this was reviewed regularly with people.
People's needs were assessed and care plans and risk assessments provided a person centred overview of how they wished to be supported. People had access to a range of social and health care professionals.
People were protected from the risk of abuse as the provider had ensured that all staff completed safeguarding training. Comments from people using the service confirmed that they felt safe.
We found that recruitment and selection processes were in place to check that staff were of good character and had the skills and experience to work with people. People told us "staff really are brilliant".
People had the opportunity to give feedback about the service they received and their views were used to effect change within the service.
There was a comprehensive quality assurance procedure and we saw evidence of action being taken to address shortfalls.