11 May 2012
During a routine inspection
People told us that staff at the home were 'very good' and they named some individual staff members who they felt 'went the extra mile'. They said that staff were kind and always spoke to them in a pleasant manner. We spoke with two relatives and they confirmed this. People told us that they felt safe living at the home.
People said that staff answered the call system 'quickly' or 'fairly quickly' and that there were sufficient staff on duty to assist them when needed. We were told that staff always made any visitors to the home feel welcome. A relative told us that staff seemed to be 'a happy group' and that staff were well supported by the manager and senior staff.
People living at the home and relatives told us that they would not hesitate to raise concerns. They said that they rarely needed to mention anything of concern to staff, but when they had done, action had been taken. People were able to tell us who they would speak to if they had a 'niggle' and relatives confirmed that the manager had 'an open door policy'. One person said, 'If I speak to any of the staff they listen and do their best to put things right' and another said, 'I have not really had anything to complain about'.
Staff told us that they had received training on safeguarding adults from abuse and, when spoken with, displayed an understanding of the different types of abuse and the action they needed to take should they observe poor practice.