The inspection of this service took place on 3 August 2016 and was unannounced.The Old Rectory is a care home registered to provide accommodation for up to 31 people who require personal care. On the day or our inspection there were 30 people living at the home.
There was a registered manager in post and they were present at the time of the inspection. A registered manager is a person who has registered with the Care Quality Commission to manage the service. Like registered providers, registered managers are ‘registered persons’. Registered persons have legal responsibility for meeting the requirements in the Health and Social Care Act 2008 and associated Regulations about how the service is run. The registered manager was also one of the two providers who owned the home.
People were supported by staff who knew how to keep them safe and free from the risk of harm. They knew how to recognise and report any risks, problems or potential signs of abuse. Risks were assessed and managed safely whilst promoting people’s independence. People were protected by safe systems in place for administering, storing and recording medicines.
People were supported by sufficient staff to meet their needs safely and effectively. People received flexible and responsive support. Staff were recruited through safe recruitment practices meaning that only people suitable to work in the role were appointed.
People were supported by staff who had the knowledge and skills to provide effective support. They received good training opportunities and training had been developed around the individual needs of the people who used the service. Staff competency was regularly reviewed and knowledge was updated to ensure it continued to reflect current best practices and legislation. Staff felt very well supported by the registered manager and their colleagues.
Staff understood their roles and responsibilities and worked well as a team to ensure people’s needs were met. People’s rights were protected under the Mental Capacity Act 2005 and staff understood how to protect people’s human rights. The registered manager and the staff team were committed to offering a service that was centred on people’s individual needs. People were offered choices as to how they lived their lives and staff recognised the importance of people making their own decisions
People enjoyed a variety of nutritious, home cooked meals that met their individual dietary requirements and preferences. Mealtimes were a relaxed and sociable experience for people. People were offered choices and alternatives. Drinks were readily available throughout the day.
Staff worked with healthcare professionals when required to ensure people’s continued good health and wellbeing. A healthcare professional told us that they considered that the staff delivered very high standards of care and support. This joint working ensured people’s needs were met consistently and efficiently.
People were supported by staff who were extremely kind and caring. People enjoyed positive relationships with staff based on mutual respect and trust. Staff knew how people liked to be supported and provided care with a smile and sensitivity. People’s privacy and dignity was always respected. People were valued and their views and opinions were always sought and acted upon. Visitors were made welcome and people were supported to keep in contact with people who were important to them.
People enjoyed an excellent range of activities both in and out of the home. Activities were developed around the preferences, likes and hobbies of the people who used the service. Staff recognised the importance of social engagement and contact meaning that people could enjoy full and active lives. Staff were creative in developing activities designed around people’s abilities. This meant that everyone had opportunities to enjoy a full social life. Parties and social events brought people together and strong external links made the home very much part of the local community.
People who used the service, their friends and relatives, shared information effectively with the registered manager and the staff team to ensure they received a responsive service. People had opportunities to speak with staff formally and informally to review their care and support and make changes if necessary.
People told us they were able to raise concerns and felt these would be acted on by the registered manager. The provider had a system to deal with any complaints. People were regularly asked if they were happy with the service provided. There were systems in place to ensure that people’s views and opinions were heard and their wishes acted upon.
The registered manager provided strong and effective leadership. There was an open culture within the home where the people who used the service were put at the heart of everything. Without exception, everyone we spoke with told us that the leadership and the service provide at the Old Rectory was excellent. There were systems in place to monitor the quality of the service provided. Surveys, questionnaires and audits all reflected that the service delivered an extremely high quality of individualised care.