Updated 22 March 2024
Date of assessment 3 April to 5 Apri 2024.
This was a responsive assessment, due to concerns received around staffing levels and an increase in falls of people living at the service.
There was a range of social activities offered to people who were able to mobilise to the communal areas. However, there was a lack of meaningful engagement for those who were bedbound. There was enough suitable permanent staff at any one time during the day who were trained and supported so they knew how to care for people. However, there were concerns in relation to the staffing levels during the night.
Although there were systems in place to keep people safe from avoidable harm, there had been an increase in falls resulting in injuries. We saw evidence the provider was actively investigating this and had put in place an action plan. The registered manager regularly assessed staff competencies and skills. Staff received regular supervision and a yearly appraisal. New staff were recruited safely and appropriately.
People received their medicines safely and as prescribed. Staff received training in medicines management, and their competencies were assessed to help ensure they could support people with their medicines safely. People were assessed before using the service, and their care and support had been planned in line with their needs and wishes. People had access to healthcare services when needed and the staff communicated well with healthcare professionals to meet people’s needs.
The home was clean and hazard-free. There were robust procedures for preventing and controlling infection, and the staff followed these. The provider had systems for monitoring and improving the quality of the service, and these operated effectively.