- Care home
Report from 22 March 2024 assessment
On this page
- Overview
- Shared direction and culture
- Capable, compassionate and inclusive leaders
- Freedom to speak up
- Workforce equality, diversity and inclusion
- Governance, management and sustainability
- Partnerships and communities
- Learning, improvement and innovation
Staff felt the service was well-led by a manager who was inclusive, open and supportive. There was a positive atmosphere and culture in the service. Governance systems were in place to identify areas of improvement, and people, relatives and staff were given multiple opportunities to feedback their opinions on the service. Staff knew where they could whistleblow or speak up if required. There were strong working partnerships with healthcare professionals such as the GP and hospice nurses.
This service scored 68 (out of 100) for this area. Find out what we look at when we assess this area and How we calculate these scores.
Overall, the staff thought the service was well-led and people received good care. The staff told us the managers were open and honest and they felt supported and listened to. One staff member said, “Everybody is on the same page here. Everyone thinks about the residents. We all very much care.” Another staff member told us, “We all work as a team and I feel that morale under [the registered manager’s] management compared to working under previous managers in previous years is a very happy one. He also regularly thanks everyone and tells us he appreciates all that we do. We also have star awards annually which [the registered manager] presents to the team with flowers and photos which everyone enjoys. When I am walking around Kingsclear daily, I see people looking happy and wanting to do good work.”
In the staff survey completed in March 2024, 98% of staff agreed wit the statement ‘I believe we put our residents at the heart of everything we do’.
There was a positive culture in the home where respect for each other and people who lived there was the most important. Where there had been a couple of incidents where staff had displayed disrespectful behaviour, we saw evidence this had been addressed in a timely manner.
Staff had regular supervision meetings where they were empowered to take ownership and share views. Staff were supported in their roles in an inclusive manner. This was evidenced through their professional growth within the home.
Capable, compassionate and inclusive leaders
The registered manager stated it was very important to have an open door policy where both team members and residents can approach leaders in the home where support can be gained. One staff member told us, “To date, the management is tip top. I cannot praise them enough. The manager wants this home to be the best. He is very truthful and transparent.” Another staff member said, “[The registered manager] is open, honest, and very professional. He is very passionate about the care of our residents. He is welcoming and funny but very professional and I feel absolutely treats everyone fairly within the home.”
Managers completed a daily walkaround of the service which included gaining feedback from team members around wellbeing and was an opportunity for them to talk through any concerns or questions they would like to raise.
The senior managers were involved and provided support to the registered manager. They ensured any concern was appropriately followed up and taken seriously through internal investigations. They ensured they recruited managers who had the right skills and qualifications to effectively lead the service.
Freedom to speak up
Staff felt encouraged and supported to speak up. One staff member told us, “The manager encourages all of us to speak up and be honest. He wants to know everything and listens to us. He knows what is going on and remembers what needs to be done. He is on the ball. Everyone does their thing. He will check if things are done.” Another told us, “There are also posters around Kingsclear regarding if anyone has any concerns so I also know that I am able to report my concerns elsewhere should the Home manager or Senior Managers/Regional Managers not address the concerns I raised and that this can be confidential.”
Staff members were encouraged to speak up at Kingsclear. This was facilitated through surveys, team meetings, supervisions, and suggestion boxes.
Kingsclear had a robust whistleblowing policy. Posters were around the home directing staff members who to contact if they have concerns. Where concerns had been raised, through the complaints procedure or whistleblowing, the provider had been responsive and conducted investigations into the concerns.
Workforce equality, diversity and inclusion
We did not look at Workforce equality, diversity and inclusion during this assessment. The score for this quality statement is based on the previous rating for Well-led.
Governance, management and sustainability
Staff and the management team felt the governance systems in the service were effective. One staff member told us, “Communication is great. Daily meetings happen for all heads of department.”
Monitoring checks including audits were undertaken by the management team and were effective. These included audits around wound care, medicines, mattresses and bed rails, nutrition and weight gain/loss, infection control, mealtime experience, health and safety, and nighttime audits.
We saw audits were effectively carried out and appropriate action was taken when any concerns were identified. For example, the registered manager identified some concerns during a night visit. We saw appropriate action had been taken in relation to the staff members involved, in line with the provider’s policy.
Accidents and incidents were recorded, analysed and discussed during handover meetings and management meetings. We saw evidence systems were put in place as a result of these with the aim to prevent reoccurrence.
Partnerships and communities
People and their relatives informed us of different entertainers that visited the service such as singers, a local school and a animal petting service. They spoke with joy when reliving these experiences enabled by the local community.
Staff felt there were strong working relationships with stakeholders and partner agencies. One staff member told us, “We had a customer adviser who came and helped us with new admissions and linked us up with other agencies like Alzheimer’s café. We have had a lady coming to do reflexology. We had someone coming to speak about education for older people. We are open to use external agencies to come in.”
People received good joined up care because the provider worked closely with other healthcare and social care professionals to understand changes in their individual needs and meet these. The staff supported people to attend appointments and access the community.
People received good joined up care because the provider worked closely with other healthcare and social care professionals to understand changes in their individual needs and meet these. The staff supported people to attend appointments and access the community.
Learning, improvement and innovation
We did not look at Learning, improvement and innovation during this assessment. The score for this quality statement is based on the previous rating for Well-led.