6 September 2018
During an inspection looking at part of the service
When we last visited the service on 9 January 2018, we found multiple breaches of the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014. The service was, at that inspection, rated as Requires Improvement.
Following the last inspection we asked the provider to complete an action plan to show what they would do and by when to improve the key questions of Safe and Well Led. At this inspection we found the provider was no longer in breach of regulations, but still required further improvements. We will assess this at a later date.
At this inspection we found that people using the service were protected from harm as the provider had processes in place to ensure their safety. Staff were aware of their responsibilities in relation to protecting people from abuse. They had received appropriate training to support their understanding of any safeguarding issues.
The manager currently overseeing the service was aware of their responsibility to report any issues of concern to both the CQC and the local safeguarding teams. There were clear processes in place to ensure lessons were learnt following any incidents or events, however, it remains to be seen if these are sustainable over time.
Any risks to a person's safety were clearly identified with measures in place to eliminate or reduce such risks. In the main, there were sufficient numbers of staff to keep people safe, however, more recently this has not always been the case due to staff absence.
People's medicines were managed safely and people were protected from the risk of infection through good hygiene practices and staff knowledge of reducing the risks of cross infection.
Recruitment processes ensured only staff who were suitable to work in the care sector were employed. This supported the safety of people using the service.
Staff knew what to do if they had concerns about the safety or well-being of any of the people using the service.
The people we spoke with said they felt safe as a result of the care and support they received.
The service was currently being led by an interim manager who had visited people to gain their views on the service. People and staff told us that regular spot checks were completed on the quality of the service.
There were quality assurance systems in place to monitor the efficiency of the service being provided, however, these were not always robust enough to show shortfalls in a timely manner.