- Care home
Bedford Care Home
Report from 21 June 2024 assessment
Our view of the service
We carried out an assessment of Bedford Care Home. This is a residential nursing home, registered to support up to 180 people. At the time of assessment 154 people were living at the home. The assessment took place between the 8 July and 15 August 2024. The assessment included 2 on site visits, with additional information and evidence being reviewed remotely. The assessment was completed following an increase in concerns being reported via CQC’s ‘Give Feedback on Care’ process, the number of provider notifications relating to serious injuries and allegations of abuse and wider concerns we had about the provider. We found people received safe care in line with their wishes. Systems for recording and analysing accidents and incidents were used effectively. Staff received sufficient training to provide safe and effective care, although due to how busy they were, interactions with people tended to be task orientated. People’s nutrition and hydration needs were met, though record keeping in this area required some improvement. Care plans were detailed and explained how people wished to be supported, though we did find some minor inconsistencies in information. The weekly activity schedule was not always being followed. However, there had been an improvement in the number of larger events taking place, with people attending outings into the community, which had not occurred for some time. The home was well managed, with staff feeling supported and comfortable to raise concerns. An audit schedule was in place and being followed, to ensure any shortfalls in practice were identified and actions generated to drive improvements. People and relatives views were sought both through meetings and questionnaires. Feedback gathered from these processes was also used to improve people's experiences.
People's experience of this service
Overall, people and relatives experience of the home and care provided was positive. People told us they felt safe living at the home and that staff were kind, caring and respectful. People told us staff were too busy, though were usually available when they needed assistance. People received their medicines when they needed them and told us they received support to stay well, this included seeing a nurse or doctor when required. People told us they were able to make choices for themselves, such as when to get up, what to wear and how they wanted to spend their time. Some people commented on there not being enough to do during the day and how they would like to do more activities. This was fed back to the provider. People said they got enough to eat and drink, which included snacks, though some would welcome a greater choice and variety of meals. Although we viewed minutes of resident and relative meetings, people we spoke with could not recall attending these, nor of completing questionnaires. However, people said they were comfortable speaking to staff and would discuss any concerns with them when required. Overall, people told us they were happy living at Bedford Care Home and would recommend the home to others.