We inspected this service on the 11 and 13 December 2018 and was unannounced. This was the first inspection for Kimberly West & East Care Centres since it registered. Kimberly West & East Care Centres are ‘care homes’. People in care homes receive accommodation and nursing or personal care as single package under one contractual agreement. CQC regulates both the premises and the care provided, and both were looked at during this inspection. The service is two nursing homes on one site. Kimberly West opened first in November 2017 and Kimberly East opened in November 2018. Both homes accommodate 27 people over three floors. The services share some facilities such as a kitchen, garden and laundry. At the time of our inspection there were 25 people living in Kimberly West and 26 people living in Kimberly East. Both homes provided ‘intermediate care’. Kimberly East had seven rooms for people to use following a discharge from hospital. This gave people the opportunity to regain their independence before returning home, for example after planned surgery. Kimberly West had eight rooms for people to use as a ‘step up’ from home. These rooms were for people who required additional support or care but not necessarily needing to go into hospital. A short stay in ‘intermediate care’ could help them to regain confidence following a fall, or have additional support following illness.
There was a registered manager in post. A registered manager is a person who has registered with the Care Quality Commission to manage the service. Like registered providers, they are ‘registered persons’. Registered persons have legal responsibility for meeting the requirements in the Health and Social Care Act 2008 and associated Regulations about how the service is run.
Recruitment procedures were safe with the required pre-employment checks consistently completed. New staff had an induction and then an on-going programme of training to make sure skills and knowledge were kept up to date. Staff were supported by the management. They were able to have supervision meetings to discuss any concerns and identify any further training needed.
People were supported and cared for by sufficient numbers of staff. Staff knew how to keep people safe and had received safeguarding training. Staff we spoke with had good knowledge of the different types of abuse and how to report any concerns.
People’s individual risks had been assessed and suitable care management plans put into place to reduce risks. Risk assessments were reviewed regularly by nursing staff.
People had their medicines as prescribed. There were safe systems in place for the safe storage and administration of medicines. The service used an electronic medicines management system which helped to reduce the risk of errors.
All areas of Kimberly West & East Care Centres were clean and free of odours. Cleaning schedules were in place and staff followed good infection prevention and control practice. There were supplies of personal protective equipment available and we observed staff use it appropriately.
The premises were purpose built and had been fitted with up to date equipment to meet people’s needs such as ceiling tracking hoists. CCTV cameras were installed in all areas and the provider had policies in place to protect people’s privacy.
People were supported to have maximum choice and control of their lives and staff supported them in the least restrictive way possible. The polices and systems in the service supported this practice.
People told us and we observed that staff were kind and caring. Dignity was promoted by all staff and people were treated with respect. There was a friendly atmosphere at the service and visitors were welcome with no restrictions.
People had sufficient food and drinks. Mealtimes were unhurried and a social event. Staff sat down with people to offer them support where needed.
People had their own personalised care plan which recorded their needs and gave staff guidance on how to provide care. They were regularly reviewed by the nursing team. The service was in the process of moving to an electronic system of care planning to improve their recording.
We have made one recommendation about people’s monitoring records.
People’s health needs were being met. Where appropriate, a timely referral had been made to various healthcare professionals. People staying in ‘intermediate care’ were supported by a multi-disciplinary team which included a nurse practitioner and therapists.
People had been given the opportunity to record their end of life wishes. The service had supported people at the end of their lives with assistance from healthcare professionals.
People could follow their interests and join in planned activities. There were welfare assistants who led on activity provision in the service and supported people’s well-being. People were supported to access their local community. Where people were not able to get out the provider organised services to come in such as hairdressing and chiropody.
There were regular meetings for people, relatives and staff and minutes were kept. People’s feedback was sought and encouraged. There were suggestion boxes in the foyers where people and relatives could leave comments, anonymously if they wished.
Systems were in place to monitor quality and safety. Where needed, action was taken to make improvements. The provider actively looked to continually improve the service. Complaints were recorded and responded to within the provider’s set timescales.