08 to 17 March 2022
During a routine inspection
We rated this service as overall requires improvement with safe rated as inadequate.
The reasons for the rating of requires improvement overall was as follows:
Risk assessments did not always capture key information and staff did not always follow risk management plans. This included risks such as falls, deterioration in physical health and pressure care.
We did not always find the environment and equipment was safe, clean or well managed.
People were not always encouraged to be as independent as possible and there was a lack of person-centred care being provided. For example, patients did not have access to sufficient levels of meaningful activities and were often bored. Also, patients were not encouraged to get dressed during the day or supported to use the toilet rather than a bedpan where this was possible.
We received mixed feedback from carers, some concerned at the deterioration in their relatives.
Records we reviewed did not always contain adequate information required to ensure safe and high-quality care was provided. For example, in some cases patients’ weights were not adequately monitored and this was potentially unsafe if changes in weight were not addressed.
We received mixed feedback from stakeholders about the way the service operated.
Leaders and managers ensured quality assurance processes were in place however these were not always effective in addressing shortfalls in the quality of care provided.
We did find that patients were not left for long periods of time when they required assistance, call bells were responded to efficiently by staff.
Staff who were employed by Villa Care spoke positively about the service and the relationships with other teams and professionals.
Staff were recruited safely.
We found managers worked closely within a network of other organisations to review and respond to pressures within the system.
Patients told us they felt safe and were mainly positive and complimentary about the care they received as well as the food choices available.
Leaders were visible and approachable, and staff felt they had the right support.