21 January 2021
During an inspection looking at part of the service
We found the following examples of good practice.
Staff had received appropriate training and guidance in infection prevention and control (IPC) and followed correct procedures in the use of personal protective equipment (PPE). There were sufficient supplies of PPE located around the service and appropriate locations identified for staff to safely remove and dispose of PPE. The home was kept clean and hygienic with regular cleaning schedules being adhered to.
The service made effective use of available COVID-19 testing for both people living at the home and staff; this included agency staff. The service had recently implemented testing for all staff on each day they worked at the home to help provide additional reassurances of the safety of people at the home and staff members.
The service followed safe visiting procedures to minimise the spread of infection. Additional, outdoor cleaning facilities had been installed to allow visitors to wash their hands during visits. Staff reassured people throughout the pandemic and provided them with the support they needed to maintain regular contact with family and friends through the use of technology.
Staff followed shielding and social distancing rules and encouraged people to maintain social distancing where able to. To help maintain people’s health and wellbeing, regular activities were offered where appropriate. Where social distancing was not possible due to the level of care required, staff followed correct procedures in the use of personal protective equipment (PPE).
Safe procedures were in place for admitting people into the service. Staff ensured people newly admitted were given additional support to maintain their health and wellbeing.
We were assured the service was following safe infection prevention and control measures to help keep people safe.