The service was delivered from attractive, newly refurbished premises with treatment and consultation rooms as well as surgical theatre facilities. We were only able to speak to one person who used the service who told us that they were very satisfied with their treatment and care. We saw from the monitoring information that those surveyed were also very satisfied with the service they received.
The six medical files for people who used the service that we looked at showed that people were provided with sufficient information about treatment at the clinic. The files also demonstrated that people had plenty of support to understand their care and the implications of decisions they made about it. We saw that treatment was provided in a way which ensured their welfare although we were not able to verify that procedures were in place to deal with emergencies that the provider might expect to arise from time to time.
We looked at the procedures for ensuring infection prevention and control. Whilst the facilities were new and of a high standard it was not possible to verify that suitable procedures to ensure prevention and control of infection were being implemented because records about what was being done were not available.
We met some of the clinical and support staff who were professional and knowledgeable about their service and the treatments on offer. However the provider was unable to show us records to confirm that staff were qualified to carry out their work.
The service had good procedures to assess the effectiveness of the treatment carried out.